Keith Horwood
Bills itself as an ‘opinionated, explicit, idiomatic and highly-extensible full-service framework’ built upon the ideas of ‘scalable microservice architecture’. If Rails/Django-style opinionated MVC appeals to you, this looks promising.
Gergely Nemeth
Gergely Nemeth covers things like semantic versioning, databases, dependencies, build systems and error handling.
Rod Vagg
An attractive, info-packed PDF showing off trends in the Node.js world over the past year.
Build scalable newsfeeds activity streams in a few hours instead of weeks.
Jeremiah Senkpiel
Nothing major, the http package now supports the 451 ‘unavailable for legal reasons’ error code, and numerous minor performance improvements have been made.
Francisco Presencia
Run ‘ianal’ from your project folder and it’ll show you the license types for all your dependencies.
A look at optimizing CPU heavy operations in Node codebases and using a profiler in order to make those changes reliably.
Benjamin E. Coe
Mirror, mirror, on the wall, who’s the most popularly downloaded package author of all.. in December 2015?
In Brief