Node Weekly
February 23, 2017  #176
Node.js Foundation
Along with the usual fixes and upgrades comes an update of V8 to V8 5.5, bringing async functions natively to Node.

Node.js Foundation
Michael Dawson and Myles Borins look at how the Node community works together to ensure both quality and performance levels are maintained via tests and benchmarks.

Steve Sanderson
A practical look at coupling Node with ASP.NET Core as the server-side platform for building a single page JavaScript app.

Frontend Masters   Sponsor
Write bullet-proof, easily maintainable web applications with Elm, the functional programming language that is transforming web application development!

Frontend Masters

Gergely Nemeth
..including route naming, authentication, API testing and using proper cache headers.

Describing itself as ‘the Wordpress of Chatbots’, Botpress is powered by a rich set of open source modules developed by the community.

Chyld Medford
Using the JavaScript functional library Ramda, plus some features of ES5 to show off functional programming concepts. 30 minute video.

In Brief