Node Weekly
March 23, 2017  #180
Telerik Developer Network
Brian Rinaldi explores creating a chat bot using JavaScript and Node.js (built upon the SuperScript framework) that can carry on complex conversations.

The npm Blog
Orgs is npm’s collaboration tool for teams to manage permissions and share code and it’s now free for developers of open source packages.

Amazon Web Services, Inc.
The serverless platform now supports a version of Node with native ES6 support.

Frontend Masters   Sponsor
Much more than an intro, build an entire real-world web application in layers with Brian Holt (Netflix) using React and library ecosystem like Router v4, Redux and Jest.

Frontend Masters

Gergely Nemeth
Easily write end-to-end acceptance tests that run against a Selenium/WebDriver server.

Simone Lusenti
A zero-configuration yet fully extensible framework for building serverless Node apps on AWS with Lambda, CloudFormation and API Gateway.

Dan Shaw
NodeSource announces ‘Certified Modules’, a system that evaluates publicly available npm packages for security, licensing and overall quality, and provides a personal, secure registry.

Node.js Foundation
It’s an LTS release but there are quite a few tweaks, such as Brian White’s contributions resulting in 8 performance improvements.

In Brief