Node Weekly
April 6, 2017  #182
Valeri Karpov
If you use Node 6.6+ you may have seen “Unhandled promise rejections are deprecated” cropping up. What does it mean and why does it matter?

Alex Sapoznikov
Want to chat with your Node app? This gives you everything you need to copy/paste to Amazon to get an Alexa skill working, organizes your code, and supports deploying to AWS Lambda.

An introductory walk through of using Node’s built-in debugging utility to hunt down bugs in both server and client-side code.

heroku   Sponsor
Learn how Yarn helps manage your dependencies so you don’t have to worry about dev prod parity. Learn More.


Carlos Justiniano
A walkthrough of creating a Docker Swarm cluster from the command line, and then deploying multiple load balanced services to it.

Matthias Etienne
Out of the box you get help generation, colored output, coercion and casting, typo suggestions, and auto-complete for Bash and Zsh.

Brief debugging stories from Netflix, RisingStack and nearForm.

Node.js Foundation
It won’t affect most Node developers but N-API aims to provide a stable Node API for native module developers and this is a key step forward. Currently an ‘experimental feature’ only while work continues.

In Brief