Node Weekly
May 25, 2017  #189
Samer Buna
“Streams are Node’s best and most misunderstood idea.” Which might be why many articles have been written about them. If you prefer video, this FunFunFunction video is still pretty good.

Bruno Krebs
A simple example of ‘containerizing’ a Node app with Docker and running two instances with NGINX as a load balancer.

Node.js Foundation
The final 8.0 release is due next week but, for the brave, here are files with the first release candidate build. Using nvm? You can use nvm to install nightlies too.

Eventn   Sponsor
Launch Node.js 7.x microservices with a single click. Build, deploy and scale ES6 microservices for HTTP Data Processing. Serverless architecture with a free monthly allocation.


Node 8.0 is due next week and you can already get a feel for what a significant release it’ll be from these commits.

Armağan Amcalar
A walkthrough for building your first microservice-based app using cote.

Sandeep Singh
Examining ASP.NET Core technologies for building single page apps and running Node on ASP.NET servers. 17 minutes.

In Brief