Node Weekly
October 5, 2017  #208
The npm Blog
A feature release with 2FA and auth token support. There’s also a post about the 2FA support.

Adam Baldwin
When pushing packages up to the central npm repository, you need to make sure you’re only sharing what you intended.

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Node.js telemetry gives a timeline of browser events leading to an error, including interaction events, like clicks, inputs, navigation and console messages + more. Debug better w/ telemetry and know why your app crashed.

Alexis Campailla
Node.js for Mobile Apps, which is free and open source, offers a Node execution environment running in a background thread inside a native app.

Karl Sieburg
Learn the overall anatomy of an Alexa skill, how to build the code that powers it, configure it in AWS, and how to install it on your own Echo device.

Arunesh Chandra
Some updates on Node-ChakraCore running production workloads, advancing N-API, and running Node on iOS.

Vignes Aruljothi
Google’s still-in-beta Cloud Functions doesn’t seem to get a lot of press, but if you’re using Node, it’s worth checking out as a serverless platform.


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