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1. Moviecart – full length color movie and audio cartridges for stock Atari 2600 (github.com/lodefmode)
32 points by Lutzb 51 minutes ago | hide | discuss
2. World Wide Web (1991) (cern.ch)
146 points by geuis 6 hours ago | hide | 65 comments
3. What can LLMs never do? (strangeloopcanon.com)
35 points by henrik_w 1 hour ago | hide | 34 comments
4. The Server Chose Violence (cliffle.com)
77 points by lukastyrychtr 4 hours ago | hide | 7 comments
5. Self-hosting forms, the sane way (karelvo.com)
11 points by xz18r 1 hour ago | hide | 3 comments
6. Ubuntu Desktop 24.04 LTS: Noble Numbat (ubuntu.com)
17 points by zaikunzhang 42 minutes ago | hide | discuss
7. Sweep (YC S23) is hiring a Founding ML engineer to build an AI developer (ycombinator.com)
1 hour ago | hide
8. What contributing to Open-source is, and what it isn't (suchdevblog.com)
105 points by thunderbong 9 hours ago | hide | 57 comments
9. Laws of Software Evolution (two-wrongs.com)
45 points by thunderbong 11 hours ago | hide | 22 comments
10. NHTSA Tesla Report (2024) [pdf] (nhtsa.gov)
5 points by KingOfCoders 46 minutes ago | hide | 1 comment
11. Clang's -O0 output: branch displacement and size increase (maskray.me)
70 points by todsacerdoti 12 hours ago | hide | 8 comments
12. So you want to Scrape like the Big Boys? (2021) (incolumitas.com)
27 points by aragonite 10 hours ago | hide | 1 comment
13. Leaving Rust gamedev after 3 years (loglog.games)
1302 points by darthdeus 20 hours ago | hide | 803 comments
14. Organised Atoms at Flamm Festival, Redruth (2023) (thentrythis.org)
18 points by akkartik 10 hours ago | hide | 1 comment
15. Searchformer: Beyond A* – Better planning with transformers via search dynamics (github.com/facebookresearch)
136 points by yeldarb 15 hours ago | hide | 21 comments
16. I'm creating PBR Textures and 3D models since 2018 and sharing them for free (sharetextures.com)
425 points by tolgaarslan 1 day ago | hide | 88 comments
17. Bun's New Crash Reporter (bun.sh)
322 points by zackoverflow 21 hours ago | hide | 70 comments
18. Software Supply Chain Security (devicu.com)
19 points by devicu 10 hours ago | hide | 4 comments
19. Passkeys: A shattered dream (blackhats.net.au)
796 points by nmjenkins 1 day ago | hide | 655 comments
20. Show HN: React for Circuits (github.com/tscircuit)
125 points by seveibar 15 hours ago | hide | 25 comments
21. Open Sourcing DOS 4 (hanselman.com)
764 points by ndiddy 1 day ago | hide | 332 comments
22. Show HN: I made a spaced repetition tool to master coding problems (lanki.xyz)
167 points by cubemaster 18 hours ago | hide | 78 comments
23. TIS-100: Tessellated Intelligence System (zachtronics.com)
165 points by cglong 18 hours ago | hide | 42 comments
24. How a mysterious star could help the search for extraterrestrial life (theguardian.com)
5 points by rustoo 2 hours ago | hide | discuss
25. Direct-Style Effects Explained (inner-product.com)
31 points by thunderbong 13 hours ago | hide | 14 comments
26. IceCube observes seven potential tau neutrinos (phys.org)
165 points by gmays 20 hours ago | hide | 58 comments
27. 12to11 – run Wayland applications on an X server (sourceforge.net)
73 points by Tiberium 13 hours ago | hide | 58 comments
28. Relational Graph Convolutional Networks for Sentiment Analysis (arxiv.org)
53 points by PaulHoule 15 hours ago | hide | discuss
29. How to prevent Lyme disease this summer (news.harvard.edu)
121 points by sizzle 11 hours ago | hide | 73 comments
30. Apnic: Cgnat is harming internet innovation (2022) (theregister.com)
66 points by aragonite 10 hours ago | hide | 45 comments

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