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1. SVG Viewer – View, edit, and optimize SVGs (svgviewer.dev)
190 points by microflash 4 hours ago | hide | 35 comments
2. Einsum for Tensor Manipulation (swe-to-mle.pages.dev)
44 points by peluche_ 2 hours ago | hide | 11 comments
3. Moviecart – Full length color movie and audio cartridges for stock Atari 2600 (github.com/lodefmode)
234 points by Lutzb 7 hours ago | hide | 26 comments
4. Claiming high user satisfaction, IRS will decide on renewing free tax site (washingtonpost.com)
71 points by wslack 1 hour ago | hide | 43 comments
5. Show HN: Cognita – open-source RAG framework for modular applications (github.com/truefoundry)
25 points by supreetgupta 3 hours ago | hide | 2 comments
6. ArcaneDoor – New campaign found targeting network devices (talosintelligence.com)
18 points by voisin 2 hours ago | hide | 4 comments
7. World Wide Web (1991) (cern.ch)
231 points by geuis 12 hours ago | hide | 99 comments
8. The server chose violence (cliffle.com)
192 points by lukastyrychtr 10 hours ago | hide | 40 comments
9. Planes in 3D Space (alexharri.com)
93 points by alexharri 8 hours ago | hide | 37 comments
10. Fathom AI Notetaker (YC W21) is hiring a Back end Engineer (remote) (ashbyhq.com)
2 hours ago | hide
11. A place I've never been to. A place I'll never go (jacobfilipp.com)
100 points by surprisetalk 10 hours ago | hide | 45 comments
12. The formation and revision of intuitions (2023) [pdf] (columbia.edu)
22 points by luu 4 hours ago | hide | 1 comment
13. VMware outsourcing their support (rubenerd.com)
37 points by kryster 1 hour ago | hide | 9 comments
14. Oral History of Brian L. Halla [pdf] (2013) (computerhistory.org)
21 points by lproven 5 hours ago | hide | 6 comments
15. Show HN: Blot – code, art, robots and open source education (github.com/hackclub)
9 points by apexedison 4 hours ago | hide | 3 comments
16. Ask HN: Any fun ways to learn Emacs?
33 points by yawpitch 8 hours ago | hide | 19 comments
17. Scientists have studied the behavior of cats sitting on squares (2021) (vice.com)
41 points by Tomte 4 hours ago | hide | 12 comments
18. Giving Rust a chance for in-kernel codecs (lwn.net)
55 points by orf 4 hours ago | hide | 42 comments
19. Self-hosting forms, the sane way (karelvo.com)
92 points by xz18r 7 hours ago | hide | 77 comments
20. The Sound of Software (notboring.software)
12 points by davidbarker 7 hours ago | hide | 1 comment
21. Private space-junk probe snaps historic photo of discarded rocket in orbit (space.com)
29 points by pedrosbmartins 4 hours ago | hide | 9 comments
22. As solar capacity grows, some of America's most productive farmland is at risk (reuters.com)
7 points by jameslk 2 hours ago | hide | 8 comments
23. Microsoft "doubling down" on cybersecurity (axios.com)
10 points by croes 29 minutes ago | hide | 5 comments
24. WebSim, WorldSim and the Summer of Simulative AI (latent.space)
52 points by swyx 7 hours ago | hide | 3 comments
25. So you want to scrape like the big boys? (2021) (incolumitas.com)
121 points by aragonite 16 hours ago | hide | 80 comments
26. The Beginning of the End for Terraform? (medium.com/netpremacy-global-services)
3 points by lockedinspace 1 hour ago | hide | 3 comments
27. Show HN: React for Circuits (github.com/tscircuit)
160 points by seveibar 21 hours ago | hide | 39 comments
28. Large language models as research assistants (lemire.me)
43 points by leononame 9 hours ago | hide | 16 comments
29. TIS-100: Tessellated Intelligence System (zachtronics.com)
204 points by cglong 1 day ago | hide | 57 comments
30. How a mysterious star could help the search for extraterrestrial life (theguardian.com)
37 points by rustoo 8 hours ago | hide | 31 comments

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