#406 — September 23, 2021 |
Node Weekly |
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The Story of 5 RCEs Found in Robert Chen |
Electron 15.0.0 Released — Following on rather quickly from v14, Electron is now on a new eight week release cadence. v15 of the popular cross-platform desktop app framework upgrade to Chromium 94, V8 9.4, and Node.js 16.5.0 – none of which are huge advancements (though WebCodecs support may interest some), but it’s always great to see how up to date Electron is kept. Sofia Nguy and Keeley Hammond |
![]() Fast Redis Hosting and Analytics — RedisGreen databases include seamless online upgrades, SSL encryption, key size tracking, memory mapping, and more. RedisGreen sponsor |
Node.js Garbage Collection Explained — Learn how garbage collection and memory management works in practice with Node.js complete with illustrations and code examples. This is an older item but recently updated. RisingStack Engineering |
Node v16.10.0 (Current) Released — No big changes, but lots of smaller things, like Bethany Griggs |
How to Implement Logging in a Node App with Pino-Logger — Pino is a low overhead Node logging library that you can use with any Node app and is easy to integrate with any Web framework too. Sarthak Duggal |
Creating a Slack Bot with Serverless Framework — The basics of implementing Slack bots with Serverless and hooking one up to PagerDuty on-call schedules. Joakim Wånggren |
A Next.js 'New Post' Node Script — How a developer went about creating a Node-powered script to simplify creating new blog posts in a Next.js-based site. Elijah Manor |
Announcing JavaScript Security Sessions at SnykCon | Register for Free Snyk.io sponsor |
Track Twitter Follower Growth Over Time with a Serverless Node API — Yet again another great use case for Node.js and serverless. AWS Amplify makes an appearance here, too. Michael Hoffmann (Mokkapps) |
How to Debug Cloudflare Workers with AppSignal
🛠 Code & Tools
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Ackee: A Self-Hosted, Node-Based Web Analytics Tool — If you want to self host your own Web analytics system and have privacy in mind. Tobias Reich |
nbb: Adhoc ClojureScript Scripting on Node.js — If you want to write ClojureScript and run it quickly on top of Node, this provides a way. Michiel Borkent |
Typegoose 9.0: Define Mongoose Models using TypeScript Classes — If you’re a Node developer and using Mongoose and want to be using TypeScript, this is for you. Typegoose |
Detect Latency in Your Code Without Affecting Node App Performance Datadog APM sponsor |
ow 0.28.0: Function Argument Validation for Humans — A fluent API to define constraints for function arguments (e.g. Sindre Sorhus |
i18n-tools: CLI to Make Common Operations Around i18n Files Simpler — Convert i18n JSON files to xslx or CSV (and vice versa) or compare two i18n files for differences. Jacques Yakoub |
node-pg-migrate 6.0: Node Powered Database Migration Management for Postgres
HyperExpress 3.0: High Performance Node Server Powered by uWebSockets.js Under the Hood
Glob 7.2.0: Match Files Using Shell-Style Patterns
ESLint Rules for Migrating Projects from CommonJS to ESM