Node.js Geocoding Proxy with Paperplane


SummaryTutorial on creating a location geocoding proxy server in Node.js with Paperplane
Revised2017-07-29 @ 00:00 UTC

tl;dr => use a proxy server when private API keys are involved; paperplane is a great functional server framework.

Converting addresses, cities and other locations to latitude and logitude and back again is something that is expected in the software application world today. Whether someone is asking for directions, plotting optimal beer delivery routes or tagging a photo of their cronut in a local cafe, managing location data is an important skillset for developers to have. Numerous services, typically in the form of application programming interfaces (APIs), exist to provide folks with ways of accessing this data. Today we’ll be using the Google Maps Geocoding API to complete the task of acquiring the geo-data for any place name; however, we will be creating a Node.js server as a proxy (a go-between) for our request instead of embedding this request in a browser.

Why A Proxy Server?

If you are granted an API key for a service that is private and mapped to you, it is a good idea to keep it that way. If you commit this API key to source control or expose it via your frontend code, then someone could take your key and pretend to be you. In order to avoid this, it is recommended that you keep such keys hidden, for example, as environment variables set on a server. Thus, we are going to create a small server to act as a proxy between the client (a web browser, app or cURL) and the API in question: the Google Maps Geocoding API.

Why Paperplane as a Node.js Server Framework?

It is possible to do everything you need with Node’s http package, but I like the approach paperplane takes with viewing the request and response aspects of handling an HTTP request as a pure function where the request is the input and the response is what is returned from it:

Request -> Response

whereas many Node frameworks’ handlers accept a function with the request and response as two arguments and not utilizing a return value, yielding the signature:

(IncomingMessage, ServerResponse) -> ()

The paperplane approach makes a good deal more sense to me. You can read more about the “why” on paperplane’s getting started guide.

Project Source Code

The project we’ll be making can be seen in its entirety here:


Note: what we’ll be making is by no means a production-level application, as that would be outside the scope of this post. However, there are some slightly advanced tangential topics that I will be glossing over (sometimes providing links to) in order to not write a book. Send me an email if I can be clearer in certain areas.

This tutorial assumes that you already have installed Node.js (I use NVM for managing Node versions and am using v8.1) and optionally the yarn package manager.

Once you’ve got Node and yarn installed, we can begin.

Project Setup

From your favorite project folder, let’s create a new project folder named geocoding-proxy and change the current working directory to be the new folder:

λ mkdir geocoding-proxy
λ cd geocoding-proxy

Installing Dependencies

Once we’re in the project folder, let’s initialize a package.json file to make it easy to manage and hang on to our project’s dependencies:

λ npm init -y

or if you have yarn installed:

λ yarn init -y

You should now have a package.json file with some JSON values in it.

Next, let’s install the tools that we’re going to use:

λ npm install --save axios dotenv paperplane ramda


λ yarn add axios dotenv paperplane ramda

Get A Google Maps Geocoding API Key

You can get yourself an API key from this page. Once you’ve done this, you’ll need to copy the .env.example file at your project’s root (λ cp .env.example .env) and replace the value of the GEO_KEY with your API key. Your .env file should look like


Hello, World! With Paperplane

Once your dependencies are installed, let’s create a server to see if we can get things working. First, create index.js at your project’s root and open it in your favorite text editor.

λ touch index.js

Next, let’s import the packages we’ll be using and create a basic “Hello, World!” server:

// Make our .env configuration file available

// Import libraries
const http = require('http')
const { compose } = require('ramda')
const { json, logger, methods, mount, parseJson, routes } = require('paperplane')

// Application-specific code
const endpoints = routes({
  '/': methods({
    GET: req => (
        .resolve('hello world')

const app = compose(endpoints, parseJson)

// Server options
const opts = { errLogger: logger, logger }
const port = process.env.PORT || 3000

const listening = err =>
  err ? console.error(err) :`Listening on port: ${port}`)

// Start the server
http.createServer(mount(app, opts)).listen(port, listening)

(Read up more on how paperplane works on its getting started page or by taking a look at the demo application. Also check out Ramda’s compose function to learn about effective function composition.)

We can start the server in a terminal window by running

λ node index.js
Listening on port: 5050

From another terminal window, let’s use cURL to see if this works:

λ curl localhost:5050
"hello world"

It works!

Hello, Location

Now that we know our server works, let’s see if we can get it to echo back a location/address parameter we send it at a route we’ll create called /geocode. Let’s remove our '/' endpoint and “hello, world!” code and add some for geocoding:

const endpoints = routes({
  '/geocode/:address': methods({
    GET: req => (

The req object gives us a params object with the key address, since that was what we specified we’d like our parameter to be named by setting the /geocode/:address key in the routes function argument.

With the new endpoint added, save the file, restart your server (stop it with Ctrl + C), and run cURL with a city name this time:

λ curl localhost:5050/geocode/Auckland

Sending to the Geocoding API

We’re almost there! Instead of echoing back whatever address the server receives, let’s instead make an HTTP GET request to the geocode API using the axios package:

const endpoints = routes({
  '/geocode/:address': methods({
    GET: req => (
        method: 'GET',
        url: '',
        params: {
          key: process.env.GEO_KEY,
          address: req.params.address

In this code, we are using the JavaScript Promise-based axios tool to create a GET request to the geocode API. Take note of our params object here; since we’re using the dotenv package and configuring that above, we get access to the GEO_KEY value in our .env file, and we separately get to pass on the address param, as well. When this request is sent, the url will look like:

After restarting your server, run λ curl localhost:5050/geocode/Auckland again.

λ curl localhost:5050/geocode/Auckland
{"message":"Converting circular structure to JSON","name":"TypeError"}

Uh oh! If we log the axios result, we’ll see a big response object that we don’t care too much about right now. The only key we want right now from this big response is the data key, so we can use Ramda’s prop method to simply access this object key and pass its return value down the chain:

// add `prop` to the require statement
const { compose, prop } = require('ramda')

// ...

const endpoints = routes({
  '/geocode/:address': methods({
    GET: req => (
        method: 'GET',
        url: '',
        params: {
          key: process.env.GEO_KEY,
          address: req.params.address

If all the stars have aligned and you restart and rerun the command again, you should see

λ curl localhost:5050/geocode/Auckland
{"results":[{"address_components":[{"long_name":"Auckland","short_name":"Auckland","types":["locality","political"]},{"long_name":"Auckland","short_name":"Auckland","types":["administrative_area_level_1","political"]},{"long_name":"New Zealand","short_name":"NZ","types":["country","political"]}],"formatted_address":"Auckland, New Zealand","geometry":{"bounds":{"northeast":{"lat":-36.660571,"lng":175.2871371},"southwest":{"lat":-37.0654751,"lng":174.4438016}},"location":{"lat":-36.8484597,"lng":174.7633315},"location_type":"APPROXIMATE","viewport":{"northeast":{"lat":-36.660571,"lng":175.2871371},"southwest":{"lat":-37.0654751,"lng":174.4438016}}},"place_id":"ChIJ--acWvtHDW0RF5miQ2HvAAU","types":["locality","political"]}],"status":"OK"}

Hooray! We now have geocode response data for Auckland like:

Refactoring the Routes

As you might imagine, having all of the request handling functions inside of paperplane’s routes function might get difficult to follow and modularize. With that in mind, let’s first pull the handler function out and into its own function:

const geocode = req =>
    method: 'GET',
    url: '',
    params: {
      key: process.env.GEO_KEY,
      address: req.params.address

const endpoints = routes({
  '/geocode/:address': methods({
    GET: geocode

You could now abstract the geocode function to another file if you wanted to, as well as the object that is passed to routes (think of a routes file that requires in the different handlers it needs).

Leveraging Ramda

We can refactor the code above even further and make it a bit more functional and closer to being “point-free” by including a few Ramda helpers:

const { compose, composeP, curryN, path, prop } = require('ramda')

// ...

// Application-specific code
const getGeocode = curryN(2, (key, address) =>
    method: 'GET',
    url: '',
    params: { key, address }

const geocode = compose(
  path(['params', 'address'])

const endpoints = routes({
  '/geocode/:address': methods({
    GET: geocode

const app = compose(endpoints, parseJson)

This code accomplishes the same goal as before, but now we have accomplished a few things:

  1. We no longer access req.params.address – what happens if any of those returned null or undefined? Instead, we use Ramda’s path helper.
  2. Ramda’s compose rears its head again, allowing us to make a chain of functions. However, note the use of composeP. The getGeocode function returns a Promise thanks to axios, so we need to use composeP to compose our Promise-returning function.
  3. We can use currying to accept both key and address parameters at separate times. This is handy, for we could partially apply our key once, store that in a variable and reuse it over and over with different addresses.
  4. We have decoupled the use of paperplane’s json helper from getGeocode and axios, meaning that function can now be leveraged in other ways instead of being hard-set to JSON.

If this scares the hell out of you, fear not! Check out Andrew van Slaar’s Ramda lessons on, and if you’re liking what you’re seeing, Dr. Boolean’s “Mostly Adequate Guide to Functional Programming”.

All of the Code

The project itself can be found at, but here is our index.js file in its entirety:

// Make our .env configuration file available

// Import libraries
const http = require('http')
const axios = require('axios')
const { compose, composeP, curryN, path, prop } = require('ramda')
const { json, logger, methods, mount, parseJson, routes } = require('paperplane')

// Application-specific code
const getGeocode = curryN(2, (key, address) =>
    method: 'GET',
    url: '',
    params: { key, address }

const geocode = compose(
  path(['params', 'address'])

const endpoints = routes({
  '/geocode/:address': methods({
    GET: geocode

const app = compose(endpoints, parseJson)

// Server options
const opts = { errLogger: logger, logger }
const port = process.env.PORT || 3000

const listening = err =>
  err ? console.error(err) :`Listening on port: ${port}`)

// Start the server
http.createServer(mount(app, opts)).listen(port, listening)


Tools like Node.js with paperplane make it very easy to create proxy servers to handle your requests in a safe fashion, so use them and always keep your API keys secret!

Update: 2017-07-30

I’ve seen a some feedback asking about CORS (cross-origin resource sharing), so here’s how you can do it (useful for running things on localhost):

const { cors, ... } = require('paperplane')

// ...

// Server options
const corsOpts = { methods: 'GET' }
const corsApp = cors(app, corsOpts)
// ...

// Start the server
http.createServer(mount(corsApp, opts)).listen(port, listening)

Read more about paperplane’s CORS API in paperplane’s CORS docs.