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@zkat zkat released this 25 Oct 01:15
· 1199 commits to latest since this release

Ayyyy~ 馃寠

So thanks to folks who were running on npm@next, we managed to find a few issues of notes in that preview version, and we're rolling out a small patch change to fix them. Most notably, anyone who was using a symlinked node binary (for example, if they installed Node.js through homebrew), was getting a very loud warning every time they ran scripts. Y'all should get warnings in a more useful way, now that we're resolving those path symlinks.

Another fairly big change that we decided to slap into this version, since npm@4.0.0 is never going to be latest, is to make it so devDependencies are included in npm-shrinkwrap.json by default -- if you do not want this, use --production with npm shrinkwrap.


  • eff46dd #14374 Fully resolve the path for node executables in both $PATH and process.execPath to avoid issues with symlinked node. (@addaleax)
  • 964f2d3 #14375 Make including devDependencies in npm-shrinkwrap.json the default. This should help make the transition to npm@5 smoother in the future. (@iarna)


  • a5b0a8d #14400 Recently, we've had some consistent timeout failures while running the test suite under Travis. This tweak to tests should take care of those issues and Travis should go back to being reliably green. (@iarna)