#266 — December 6, 2018

Read on the Web

Node Weekly

A Call to Action: Accelerating Node.js Growth — The Node project is starting a package maintenance team and the Node.js Technical Steering Committee chair wants you to get involved. Here’s why it exists & what to do next.

Michael Dawson

PM2 Explorer: Manage PM2 from within Visual Studio CodePM2 is a popular process manager for Node apps and this extension (which you can install from within VS Code or here) can help you manage it from your editor.

Alex Young

Redis™ 5.0 on RedisGreen — RedisGreen hosting and memory analysis for Redis 5.0, faster messaging for your apps.

RedisGreen sponsor

npm's 2018 JavaScript Ecosystem Survey — npm, Inc., the maintainers of the main Node package repository, request your input to help them improve their tools and services.

npm, Inc.

Node 8.x To Enter Maintenance Mode in 4 Weeks — Node 8.x was originally going to be an ‘active’ LTS release until mid 2019 but this has now been brought forward in to January 1, 2019 to ensure Node 10 continues to get the most attention in terms of updates.

Node.js Foundation

Node v6.15.1 (LTS) Released — If you’re still running Node 6 in production, you’ll want to grab this update as it fixes a bad backport of the recent “Slowloris HTTP Denial of Service” fix rolled out in 6.15.0.

Node.js Foundation

💻 Jobs

Node.js Developer at X-Team (Remote) — We help our developers keep learning and growing every day. Unleash your potential. Work from anywhere. Join X-Team.


100+ Node.js and JavaScript Roles on hackajob — Upload your projects from GitHub and we'll do the rest. Find a role based on your skills, average salary £70k.


📘 Articles & Tutorials

Seeding a Database with Thousands of Users using Knex.js and Faker.js — Prototype more efficiently by loading your database with realistic data-points.

Mario Hoyos

Finding Photos on Twitter using Face Recognition with TensorFlow.js — An incredibly cool, and in-depth, look at a serverless application making use of TensorFlow.

James Thomas

Ultra-Fast Hosting. 2,000+ Tutorials. World-Class Support — Ultra-fast hosting. 2,000+ tutorials. Get started with $100 credit.

DigitalOcean sponsor

Securing Your Site Like It’s 1999“What follows are examples of critical mistakes that brought down several early websites, and how you can help protect yourself and your team from the same fate.”

Katie Fenn

Why You Should Consider Hapi for Your Node WebappsHapi is a rich and opinionated framework for building webapps.

Eran Hammer

How to Build a Simple GraphQL API Service with Express

Braden Kelley

🔧 Code and Tools

Announcing N|Solid for AWS Lambda — NodeSource has worked with AWS to offer a version of the N Solid runtime through the newly announced ‘Lambda Layers’ feature.

Tierney Cyren and Mike Nedelko

tuql: Automatically Create a GraphQL Server From a SQLite DB

Brad Daily

Debugtron: A Command Line Tool to Debug Electron-Based Apps — Connects to running, in-production Electron-based apps.

Rongjian Zhang

A Much Faster Way to Debug Code Than with Breakpoints or console.log

Wallaby.js sponsor

Grant: OAuth Middleware for Express, Koa and Hapi

Simeon Velichkov

array-back: Takes Any Input and Guarantees An Array Back — Or an “isomorphic arrayify function” if you prefer that :-)

Lloyd Brookes

Screenshoteer: Make Web Page Screenshots from the Command Line — Controls headless Chrome with Puppeteer behind the scenes.

Vladimir Carrer

Mimitrr: Rate Limiting for Express using Redis

Edward Jibson

Mhysa: A Dependency-Free Stream Utilities Library

Sami Turcotte