Node Weekly
May 11, 2017  #187
Danny Grander
A video and full write-up/notes on hacking a vulnerable Node app, as well as three vulnerabilities in popular npm packages.

Paul Irish
Debugging Node apps from within Chrome’s DevTools has been possible for a while but recent major improvements have resulted in this post being updated.

Gergely Nemeth
A look at a tool that can help you figure out what went wrong with your Node app.

CircleCI   Sponsor
Yarn solves many npm problems and is simple to implement. View CircleCI's npm to Yarn command cheatsheet, plus discussion.


Sam Roberts
“Some war-stories to give a sense of why so many long-time Node.js contributors are trying to keep useful APIs out of Node.js.”

Glimpse is an experimental npm package providing in-depth insights into both the client and server sides of your Node apps.

util.promisify takes a function following the typical callback style and returns a version that returns promises.

Jamie Mason
There’s instructions for running them yourself, but npm5 is in the lead and looking very promising.

In Brief