Also known as CVE-2015-7384. A fixed 4.x release will be released on Monday, October 5th, with the full details of the vulnerability embargoed till then. 0.10 and 0.12 are not affected.
Kevin O'Neil
An attempt at explaining what a stream is ‘in the simplest way possible.’ Max Ogden also had a classic take on this topic.
Get insights with our analytics dashboard. Track usage and identify performance bottlenecks. All plans backed by support from engineers who have been scaling and solving problems with Redis for years.
Sagiv Ofek
Sometimes you want to use your existing C++ code directly from your Node app, and you can, using nan and node-gym, as shown here.
Tonic is an online Node REPL of sorts, and it can also be used to ‘embed’ a Node environment on to any page.
The Neighbourhoodie Software GmbH
Greenkeeper monitors projects and their dependencies and sends a pull request with a new package.json when they update. Free for public repos.
Youssef Kababe
A walk through of creating an npm-based workflow for minifying HTML, pre-processing CSS (with Stylus) and using Browserify and Uglify-JS.
Javascript Developers, Node.js (San Francisco)
Jut is building a node-driven platform that provides engineers with programmable views of their streaming data. If you love node.js and super bright teams, take a look at Jut. Early stage, Accel backed and big equity.
Backend/Web Services Engineer Wanted!
We're an eclectic group software entrepreneurs helping businesses predict and react to events faster. We have a passion for stream processing and are often found debating the merits of different approaches to solving our technical problems. We're based in San Francisco but would consider hiring the right person remotely. SQLstream
In Brief
Node Girls London Event: A One Day Node.js Bootcamp news
Free and for women only.
Node Girls 2015
Live Workshops in Node, React, and advanced JavaScript course
Participate in online sessions, building projects with an expert mentor. Attend as many as you like — it's unlimited. Thinkful Sponsor
Node 4.X Drops Support for RC4 news
NodeConf Barcelona 2015 Call for Speakers news
The CFP is open till the 10th, and the conference is on November 21st.
NodeConf Barcelona
JXcore Brings Node to OpenWrt Powered Devices (MIPS, ARM, ...) news
OpenWrt is a popular Linux distribution for embedded devices.
Playing with The Tor Control Protocol in Node tutorial
Debugging Node.js – Three Options tutorial
Matt Nedrich
The Beginner's Guide to Terminal for Node.js Development tutorial
Peter Czibik
GIS with JavaScript Tutorial Series tutorial
Thaumaturgy: Build Node.js packages in AWS Lambda using AWS Lambda tools
A command-line tool that creates and uses an AWS Lambda to build Node packages for Lambda.
Hocus Pocus
Intruder: WEP Wi-Fi Network Cracking from Node tools
There’s also a tutorial about how to use it and how it works. All hypothetically, of course :-)
Steven Miller
EasyDate: Date Manipulation Inspired by Rails' ActiveSupport::Duration code
var yesterday =; and so forth.
Melvin Sembrano
AdonisJs: A New Node.js MVC Framework code
Aman Virk
Divide and Conquer news
The biggest complaint we hear about OSCON every year is this: there are too many open source technologies to hear about, too much to learn, too many things happening at once. You’d like to clone yourself. Here's the next best thing you can do. OSCON, 26–28 October in Amsterdam. O'Reilly Sponsor