Node Weekly
April 27, 2017  #185
See how the exact same real world blogging platform is built using React or Angular on top of Node, Rails, and Django. Introductory blog post.

The team behind the V8 JavaScript engine want to know what proposed language features you’d like them to work on next.

Alex Corvi
It can conjugate verbs and inflect nouns and adjectives, tell you what words are plurals or not, etc.

MONGODB   Sponsor
If the last thing you're looking for is another MongoDB cluster to manage, try MongoDB Atlas (the hosted database service from the company who builds MongoDB) for automated provisioning, backups, upgrades, and monitoring.


Ralf S. Engelschall
Intended to be used to run multiple npm commands within the same terminal.

RisingStack Engineering
A look at a few Node debugging options: the pino module, the built-in debugger, the V8 inspector and Visual Studio Code.

Lee Byron
Define properties of some code, then TestCheck sees if they remain true for a large number of randomly generated inputs.

Oracle Developers
Takes quite an architecture-led approach and introduces REST well, before moving into Oracle-leaning examples. 48 minutes.

In Brief