Node Weekly
November 30, 2017  #216
Vladimir de Turckheim
Building a tool to monitor Node app performance is easy with the Async Hooks and Performance Hooks APIs. Learn how in this tutorial.

Benedikt Meurer
A low-level look at what V8’s Turbofan optimizing compiler does behind the scenes to get your code running faster.

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Sam Roberts
ESLint is a flexible linter for JavaScript and JSX that can ensure your code meets a certain style and doesn’t suffer from common problems.

Tom Lagier
A walkthrough of the various pieces you need to bring together to build a Node server that can speak GraphQL.

Daniel Clifford
An introduction to CodeStubAssembler (CSA), a component in V8 that “has been a useful tool in achieving some big performance wins over the last several V8 releases”.

Eric Bidelman
An online playground where you can tinker with headless Chrome using Puppeteer’s Node API. Repo here.


In Brief