#268 — December 20, 2018

Read on the Web

Node Weekly

AVA 1.0: A Powerful Test Runner for Node

AVA 1.0: A Powerful Test Runner for Node — AVA is a test runner with a concise API, detailed error output, and process isolation that let you write tests more effectively. You may find the README more useful than these release notes if you aren’t familiar with it yet though.

Mark Wubben and Sindre Sorhus

An Idea for npm Package Permissions“What if, just like apps on our phones, npm packages had to declare what permissions they required?”

David Gilbertson

New Course: Introduction to Node.js by Scott Moss ✨👀 — Node.js can be used for build tools, desktop apps, mobile apps, databases, and more. Learn the foundations of Node.js so you can go forward and create fantastic JavaScript apps outside the browser.

Frontend Masters sponsor

What's Coming to Node with V8 V7.2 — V8 is the main JavaScript engine behind Node and now that Node updates this dependency pretty quickly, it’s worth knowing what’s new. In 7.2’s case that includes embedded builtins, a faster async/await implementation, public class fields, and faster parsing.

Andreas Haas

Node v11.5.0 (Current) Released — It’s the latest version of Node but very little to reflect on here, just the usual minor bug fixes.

Node.js Foundation

Here's How npm Plans to Improve Security and Reliability in 2019 — NPM is working to course-correct after 2018 brought a handful of major incidents that caused headaches for sysadmins and developers alike.

James Sanders

💻 Jobs

Sr. Fullstack Engineer (Remote) — Sticker Mule is looking for passionate developers to join our remote team. Come help us become the Internet’s best place to shop and work.

Sticker Mule

100+ Node.js and JavaScript Roles on hackajob — Upload your projects from GitHub and we'll do the rest. Find a role based on your skills, average salary £70k.


📘 Tutorials

Running Node.js 11 on AWS Lambda — With Lambda’s new Layers feature and custom runtimes you can now build your own custom artifacts, enabling you to share and manage common code between serverless functions.

Adnan Rahic

Build a Serverless Twitter Reader using AWS Fargate — Most people think of Lambda when it comes to AWS and serverless, but Fargate is an interesting service that lets you run containers without managing servers and so operates at a different level to Lambda’s function oriented approach.

Raja Mani and Luis Pineda

Getting Started with Google Cloud SQL for PostgreSQL in Under 5 Minutes

Google Cloud sponsor

Using TypeScript to Build a Node API with Express — Walks through building a simple and secure Node app using TypeScript, Express, and Okta (a hosted authentication service).

David Neal

How to Scale Your Node.js Server using Clustering

Michele Riva

🔧 Code and Tools

AWS SAM CLI: Now with More Node.js Goodness — SAM is a CLI tool for local development and testing of serverless apps and now supports compiling deployment packages for Node.js runtime-based functions.

Amazon Web Services

N|Solid for AWS Lambda: Low-Impact Monitoring for Serverless Node.js Apps — The N|Solid runtime is now available for serverless Node.js apps on AWS Lambda.

NodeSource sponsor

Node v8.14.1 (LTS) Released — No significant changes.

Myles Borins

Gluegun 2.0: A 'Delightful' Way to Build Command Line Apps in Node — Supports commands, extensions, template generation, and has a simple and intuitive plugin interface.

Jamon Holmgren

Arg: Simple Command Line Argument Parsing — Version 3 came out last week.


CoolQLCool: A Next.js Server to Query Websites with GraphQL — Quickly turn sites into GraphQL APIs.

Gavin Dinubilo

wolkenkit 3.0: A CQRS and Event Sourcing Framework for JS and Node — A DDD (domain-driven design)-oriented foundation for apps.

Sophie van Sky