#283 — April 11, 2019

Read on the Web

Node Weekly

▶  Deno, A New Way to JavaScript? — Ryan originally created Node about ten years ago but recently he’s been working on Deno, a new, non-Node compatible runtime with some interesting features. Here he breaks the whole thing down for us. (Note: Audio is bad for the first few minutes but gets better.)

Ryan Dahl

pm2 3.5.0 Released: The Node Production Process Manager — A very mature and widely used process manager that includes a load balancer for keeping Node apps alive forever and to reload them without downtime.

Alexandre Strzelewicz

Create Robust Angular Apps Using Pre-Built Components — Download our free 30-day trial of ExtAngular to gain access to 115+ pre-built components including grids, calendars, D3, charts and so much more, all built to use with Angular applications.

Sencha, Inc sponsor

How to Use Domain-Oriented Observability — When Martin Fowler puts his editorial backing behind an article, I pay attention! :-) Here’s a thorough walk through of an approach to adding business-relevant observability to JavaScript code in a clean, testable way.

Pete Hodgson

Node.js's New 'Enterprise Focus Group' — The new group will act as a way to gain feedback from “companies with a large technology footprint, defined here as 50+ projects, that are building on or using Node.js”.. so if that’s you, consider signing up.

Node.js Foundation

A Statement From npm, Inc.: 'We Are Sorry' — Last week we linked to a story about some recent incidents at npm, Inc. This is their acknowledgment and apology.

npm, Inc.

💻 Jobs

Node.js Developer at X-Team (Remote) — Join the most energizing community for developers. Work from anywhere with the world's leading brands.


Find A Node Job Through Vettery — Vettery specializes in tech roles and is completely free for job seekers. Create a profile to get started.


📘 Tutorials and Opinions

Creating a Google Cloud Function with Node and Express — The very basics (think “Hello world”) of creating a simple Google Cloud Function (essentially Google’s answer to AWS Lambda) using both Node and Express.

Wesley Haigh

Deploying Node.js Microservices to ZEIT Now — Staying on the serverless theme, here’s the basics of using the perhaps more Node friendly Now platform.

Julián Duque (NodeSource)

Boosting JavaScript: From MongoDB's Shell to Node.js — Moving a script from MongoDB's shell to Node.js allows you to use an enormous range of tools and libraries. It just takes a few extra lines of code.

MongoDB sponsor

Do You Really Know How a Lockfile Works for Yarn and npm Packages? — Package lock files serve as a rich manifest of dependencies for projects that specify the exact version of those dependencies. But why do we need them and how do they work?

Liran Tal

Using Serverless 'Reapers' to Lower Your AWS Bill — A look at how serverless functions can be used to keep your AWS bill in check by automatically destroying resources you’re not actually using.

Kyle Galbraith

How to Build A Movie Bot with SAP Conversational AI and Node — This is somewhat tied to a very specific SAP API, but it’s rare SAP gets a mention here, so why not :-)

Paul Pinard

The Path to gRPC with Node.js

Tom Vance

🔧 Code and Tools

Nexe 3.0: Create an Executable of Your Node App — A command-line utility that can compile your app into a single executable. In v3, the Fusebox bundler was removed and replaced with resolve-dependencies.


The Ultimate Guide to Performance Monitoring in Node.js

NodeSource sponsor

Globby: User-Friendly Glob Matching — Give it an array of globs and it returns a Promise<Array> of matching paths. It even supports negations and .gitignore.

Sindre Sorhus

The Official Node Client for Google Cloud Translate — Dynamically translate text between thousands of language pairs.


Mongoku: A Web-Based MongoDB Client — A basic, open source browser-based MongoDB client built on top of TypeScript, Node and Angular.

Hugging Face

🛠 GitHub Actions Toolkit: A Toolkit for Building GitHub Actions in Node

Jason Etcovitch

Polly.js: Record, Replay, and Stub HTTP Interactions — Polly taps into both Node’s and browsers’ APIs to mock requests and responses.

Netflix, Inc.

crypto-hash: A Hashing Module Using the Native Crypto API in Node and Browser — Get the same hashing API in both environments. Uses the crypto module on Node and window.crypto in the browser.

Sindre Sorhus