#292 — June 13, 2019

Read on the Web

Node Weekly

Awesome Node: Almost 600 Curated Node Packages, Resources and Links — We link to this every now and then as it’s a truly definitive list of categorized Node resources and continues to be updated, pruned, and added to over time.

Sindre Sorhus

On the Economics of Package Management — C J Silverio was ousted as CTO of npm, Inc. last year but came back at JSConf EU with an interesting history of the JavaScript package ecosystem, who really ‘owns’ it, and a suggestion for a new way forward which orients around Entropic, an agnostic, federated package registry. Prefer to watch her talk? It’s here and it’s 37 mins long.

C J Silverio

⚛️ The NEW Complete Intro to React...Now, with Hooks — Much more than an intro, you’ll build a real-world app with the latest features in React including 🎣 hooks, effects, context, and portals.

Frontend Masters sponsor

How One Team of Freelancers Writes Full Stack JavaScript Apps — Some simple principles that one distributed agency has adopted when working with Node-powered full-stack JS apps from file structure to code generation.

Elie Steinbock

What's Involved in Running a Node.js Powered Ecommerce Site for Free — Less a tutorial and more a 10,000 feet high overview, it’s interesting to see how Adrian brought together the free tiers of Netlify, Stripe, Mailgun and others to sell his ebook.

Adrian Mejia

Strapi Beta: The Node-Powered Headless CMS — Strapi has been under development for quite some time now and is used by lots of companies but they’ve taken a step closer to an eventual 1.0 release here.

Pierre Burgy

npm Pride 2019 Shirts — All proceeds of the “npm install pride” shirts go to a LGBTQ counseling service.

The npm Blog

💻 Jobs

Senior Node.js API Engineer - Exodus (Remote) — Do you live for beautiful APIs? We're looking for a meticulous, obsessive leader to focus on our backend API services.


Senior Backend Engineer - ShareTheMeal (Berlin, Germany) — Are you looking for a meaningful place to work? Join our team at ShareTheMeal, the United Nations app working to end hunger.

ShareTheMeal/UN World Food Programme

Land a New Dev Job on Vettery — Vettery specializes in tech roles and is completely free for job seekers.


📚 Opinion & Tutorials

A Practical Demonstration of CSRF in Action — A look at Cross Site Request Forgery (CSRF) using a simple Node-powered app.

Hitesh Kumar

Using Array.prototype.flat and Array.prototype.flatMap — A quick look at two methods which are now supported in the latest versions of Node, Chrome, Firefox and Safari.

Mathias Bynens

How To Mock Services Using Mountebank & Node — Learn how to mock all kinds of service behavior so you can more easily develop and test your apps.

DigitalOcean sponsor

Using Airtable as a Content Backend — Describes how you can use Airtable (a spreadsheet-esque service) and Netlify Functions (an AWS Lambda-powered serverless functions system) as a datastore for a serverless Vue application.

Gui Talarico

What Redditors Think About The State of GraphQL

Robert Matyszewski

🛠 Code and Tools

express-generator-typescript: An Express.js + TypeScript App Generator — Similar to express-generator but for TypeScript developers.

Sean Maxwell

rawkit: Immediately Open Chrome DevTools When Debugging Node Apps — Grabs the Chrome inspector URL returned from node --inspect and immediately opens the DevTools.

Darcy Clarke

iohook: A Global Keyboard and Mouse Listener — Uses a cross-platform C library behind the scenes to grab keyboard and mouse input. I just tried it on macOS and while you have to give it accessibility access, it works.


Monitoring, Alerting, and Distributed Tracing for Your Node Applications. Try Datadog APM Free

Datadog sponsor

express-fileupload: Simple Express File Upload Middleware That Wraps Around BusboyBusboy is a streaming parser for HTML form data and this just adds the file upload handling part to it.

Richard Girges

'Sign in with Apple' for Node.js — A simple library to implement Apple’s new sign in flow.

Ananay Arora

A React, Apollo, GraphQL, Node, and Mongo Demo Written in TypeScript — A developer was commissioned to build this app for a commercial client, wasn’t paid, so he’s open sourced it. An interesting look at a fullstack app that uses React Native for Web on the frontend.

Jason Werner

PDFKit: A PDF Generation Library for Node and Browser
