đŸ‡ș🇩 #​434 — April 21, 2022

Read on the Web

Node Weekly

Node.js 18 (Current) Released — Almost exactly one year after Node 16 and two after Node 14 comes the newest version of Node. It’s a ‘current’ branch release for now, but will become an LTS (Long-Term Support) release in October, and you can expect it to be supported till 2025. What’s new?

  • As the new 'current' release, Node 18 will get all the fancy new features first, until October 2022.
  • The Fetch API, backed by Undici is now available globally by default. Say hello to (and be aware of) fetch, Request, Response and other new globals.
  • The Web Streams API is now exposed on the global scope, as are Blob and BroadcastChannel.
  • The node:test test runner module.
  • If you like laundry lists, the official release post by Beth Griggs is well worth working through too.

The Node.js Team

Complete Node.js Learning Path 🚱 — Learn Node.js from foundations up to building APIs and web applications! Get hands-on creating and deploying REST and GraphQL APIs and power your web apps in this complete learning path on Node.js.

Frontend Masters sponsor

The Most Popular Node.js Frameworks in 2022 — OK, it’s a listicle, and the data comes from surveys, GitHub stars, and gut feelings, but it’s a reasonably well put together summarized list of frameworks (back-end, full stack, CMSes, and more) as of right now.

Alex Ivanovs

Four Reasons to Avoid using npm link — npm link can be used to symlink a local package as a dependency during development, but the author has created the link package (which you can use via npx) as a safer and ‘more predictable’ alternative. All is explained within.

Hiroki Osame

Quick bytes:

đŸ’» Jobs

Senior Backend Engineer — We’re on a mission to empower millions of people to hear better through convenient, personalized hearing care — at a fraction of the cost thanks to telemedicine.
Lively Hearing

Find Tech Jobs with Hired — Create a profile on Hired to connect with hiring managers at growing startups and Fortune 500 companies. It's free for job-seekers.

▶  Writing a Node App with ClojureScript and nbb — If you think of Node as a runtime rather than something that must absolutely be JavaScript-based, the title makes sense. The guys in the video use nbb, a Node-based scripting environment for ClojureScript. As an aside, it’s quite cool to see two developers working together within the same screencast.

On The Code Again

How to Go from 1x Deploy a Week → 1x a Day → Many Times a Day.

Sleuth sponsor

How to Debug Node.js Code Using Multiple Tools — A handy, if reasonably high level, tour of some debugging approaches.

Craig Buckler

🛠 Code & Tools

chalk-animation: Colorful Animations in Terminal Output — Provides a variety of different effects for your text, including a rainbow effect, pulsing, and glitchiness.

Boris K

WebDAV 4.9: A WebDAV Client Written in TypeScript — WebDAV is a long standing (if slightly legacy nowadays) extension to HTTP for writing, moving, and otherwise changing files on a server.

Perry Mitchell

Run Node.js Unikernels 2X as Fast on GCP and 3X as Fast on AWS

NanoVMs sponsor

Gladys Assistant: A Privacy-First, Open-Source Home Assistant — It runs on any Linux machine (including a Raspberry Pi) and uses Node under the hood.

Pierre-Gilles Leymarie

node-sqlite3 5.0.4: Async SQLite3 Bindings for Node — A point release, but prebuilt musl and arm64 binaries for Linux have been added.


zx 6.1: A Tool for Writing Better Shell Scripts

Google Auth Library for Node.js v8.0
Google APIs

Mineflayer 4.3: A High Level API for Creating Minecraft Bots

Gaxios 5.0: An Axios-Style Interface, But Over node-fetch