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Use mssql, all features this added are now upstream.


1.5.1 • Public • Published


Next Generation MS-SQL Client Interface for Node.js/io.js

This module provides an interface to use JavaScript (ES6/ES2015) Template strings in order to construct SQL requests.

This library inherits mssql module under the covers. For use of template processors, you should use a version of node/io.js that supports template strings or use a transpiler like BabelJS.

Thank you Taras Mitran for the idea.


\\reference to original module, for use with legacy code
var mssql = require('mssql-ng');
\\mssql connection options
var opts = {...} //mssql connection options
\\ ConnectionPromise (Promise which resolves to an mssql.Connection)
\\   extended with mssql.TYPES
\\   .query and .queryStream template processors
\\   .input and .output parameter handlers
var sql = mssql(opts);
\\ simple query template processor, returns promise for a result
    --you can specify output parameters (name, type, initialValue) 
    SET ${sql.output('param1', sql.NVarChar(sql.MAX)= 'output param value'
    --input parameters can be auto-detected, or explicit
    SELECT ${someVariable1} [Test1],
           ${sql.input('param2', sql.Decimal, someNumberVariable)} [Test2]
  //request parameters attached to result.parameters
  console.log('output @param1', result.parameters.param1.value);
  //recordset/rows attached to result.recordset
  console.log('row 1, column 1', result.recordset[0].Test1); 
  console.log('row 1, column 2', result.recordset[0].Test2);

Responses with multiple recordsets are not supported. Use mssql directly.

The module itself is a method that returns a Promise that will resolve with the active connection, similar to mssql.connect() ... there will be additional methods for template parsers attached to the Promise itself (these will not carry forward). This allows one to resolve the connection object directly (since mssql's resolver doesn't include a reference to the connection object).

var mssql = require('mssql-ng');
var sql = mssql(opts);
  //use connection
  var request = new mssql.Request(conn);

ConnectionPromise.query - returns Promise - resolves {parameters,recordset}

The .query method is an ES6 template parser, which will resolve to an object containing sql request parameters for access to output parameters, in addition to recordset which will be an array of rows for the result.

ConnectionPromise.queryStream - returns Promise - resolves streaming mssql request object

Note: mssql/tedious does not support backpressure

The .queryStream method is an ES6 template parser, which will resolve to an mssql.Request which has made a query in stream mode, and is ready to pipe.

  FROM SomeTable
  WHERE Foo=${someBar}
    AND Baz=${true}
    AND Something <= ${new Date()}
  return new Promise(function(resolve,reject){

ConnectionPromise.input(name,type,value) - specify parameter name and mssql datatype

If you want to specify the mssql datatype, you can use sql.input in your template.

  EXEC someSproc sql.input('myParam', sql.Decimal(22,5), 45.333)


If you need an output parameter, you can use sql.output to specify the parameter name and type.

  SET ${sql.output('myParam', sql.DateTimeOffset, null)} = SYSDATETIMEOFFSET()
  console.log(result.parameters.myParam); //date-time

Automatic Type Detection

This module will only do very simplistic type checking...

  • null or undefined - Bit set to null
  • Boolean - will use Bit
  • Number
    • ~~num === num - Int
    • Math.floor(num) === Math.ceil(num) - BigInt
    • otherwise Float
  • Objects
    • Buffer - VarBinary
    • Date - DateTimeOffset
    • otherwise fallthrough to string using JSON.stringify(safeclonedeep(value))
  • String
    • UUID - via regular expression test - UniqueIdentifier
    • otherwise NVarChar

NOTE: If you need another interpretation for numbers, you can pass it as an appropriately formatted string (SQL coersion) or you can use sql.input to specify a different type.


  • Requires a very recent 2.x release of mssql as a peerDependency.
  • Requirews i-promise as a peerDependency, which requires native Promises, or a detected Promise library.
    • If you wish to force a promise library, you can do so before requiring this module via require('i-promise/config').use(require('bluebird'));

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