#346 — July 9, 2020

Read on the Web

Node Weekly

Fastify 3.0: A Fast 'Low-Overhead' Web Framework for NodeFastify has been around for quite some time and may be worth another look. The just released v3.0.0 includes a variety of breaking changes and new features, along with better TypeScript support.


11 Simple npm Tricks That Will Knock Your Wombat Socks Off — Look, I have no idea what ‘wombat socks’ are but it’s a catchy title 😂 .. and given how much most of us use npm (ssssh yarn or pnpm users) tips are always welcomed.

Tierney Cyren

Scout APM Now Available for Node.js — Scout’s intuitive UI helps you quickly track down issues so you can get back to building your product. Rest easy knowing that Scout is tracking your apps performance and hunting down small issues before they become large issues. Get started for free.

Scout APM sponsor

Puppeteer 5.0 Released: The Headless Chrome Control Library — Puppeteer 4.0 was only three weeks ago but there are breaking changes here and work on making Puppeteer environment agnostic is in full flow.


Quick bits and bytes:

💻 Jobs

Find a Job Through Vettery — Use Vettery to connect with growing tech teams at startups and Fortune 500 companies.


Node.js Developer at X-Team (Remote) — Join the most energizing community for developers and work on projects for Riot Games, FOX, Sony, Coinbase, and more.


🧑‍💻 Interested in running a job listing in this newsletter? There's more info here.

📚 Articles, Opinions & Tutorials

Building Serverless GraphQL API in Node.js with Express and Netlify — A very accessible tutorial that will suit anyone who likes to keep things easy to maintain.

Matthew Ström

Configuring Your .npmrc for an Optimal Node Environment — The .npmrc file is just one place where npm gets its configuration settings from and where you can override those settings to make your life a little easier.

Tierney Cyren

The Node.js Security Handbook — Learn to improve the security of your Node.js apps and infrastructure with the Node.js security handbook.

Sqreen sponsor

How to Use Node, a Raspberry Pi, and an LCD Screen to Monitor the Weather — If you’ve been itching to play with that Raspberry Pi sitting in your drawer (I joke, despite having a few myself!) this is one way to go about it.

Stan Georgian

🛠 Tools, Resources and Libraries

Clinic.js: An Open Source Node.js Performance Profiling Suite — This tool will diagnose issues in Node apps by means of probes used to collect metrics to assess the app and create recommendations. GitHub repo.


Financial: A Zero-Dependency Financial Calculations Library — Based on numpy-financial but aimed at Node, Deno, and the browser, Financial gives you functions for calculating things like future values, repayments, interest rates, etc.

Luciano Mammino

A Node Implementation of Google's HighwayHashHighwayHash is a hash function built at Google for portability, speed, and security.

Lovell Fuller

No More Rework, Bug Free Code on the First Commit. DeepCode

DeepCode.AI Powered Analysis sponsor

unavatar: A Way to Quickly Get User Avatars — Given a username or email address, it’ll query multiple social providers to return an avatar. It’s built using Node and is open source if you want to run your own version.

Kiko Beats

Node File Trace: A Dependency Tracing Utility — Vercel uses this to figure out exactly which files are necessary for an app’s runtime - you can too.


Tedious 9.0: A TDS Module for Connecting to SQL Server Databases — If you want to speak TDS (Tabular Data Stream), the protocol used to interact with Microsoft’s SQL Server (from 2000 up to 2017), this is for you.

Mike D Pilsbury

Google's Node Client for Cloud Bigtable v3.0Bigtable is Google’s managed large-scale NoSQL database service.

Google APIs

🕰 ICYMI (Some older stuff that may catch your eye...)