Node Weekly
April 21, 2016  #134
Daniel Leite de Oliveira
Places 53 handy functions at your disposal for things like padding, trimming, appending, slugifying, prepending, case conversions, etc.

Victor Bjelkholm
Test your modules simultaneously in 32 different versions of Node. Why? If you’re releasing a library, knowing it’s widely compatible across versions is key.

A walkthrough of configuring an automated continuous integration and deployment setup for a Node app using GitHub, PM2 & SemaphoreCI.

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Pinpoint performance issues and build faster Node.js apps. See how your app spends its time (database, cache, external http requests), where it needs optimizing, and who wrote the slow code.


Elad Nava
A quick guide to deploying a Node app in production, specifically aimed at Ubuntu 14.04 LTS.

A high level look at the work that has taken place to make the Node.js community a notably collaborative one.

Rob Conery
Loads your tables, Postgres functions, and query files up as functions; supports full text search; has full JSONB document support; has a REPL; and more. We mentioned this a year ago but it continues to be improved.


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In Brief