#301 — August 15, 2019

Read on the Web

Node Weekly

NPKILL: Find and Remove Old or Large node_modules Folders — We’ve all heard jokes (or seen the reality) of gigantic node_modules folders.. here’s a tool to help you do something about the ones you don’t want.

Estefanía García Gallardo and Juan Torres Gómez

JavaScript and Node Testing Best Practices — Almost 50 best practices divided into categories (backend, frontend, CI, etc.) complete with code examples. Not just the basics, it digs into areas like visual regression, property-based testing, and contract testing, too.

Yoni Goldberg

All-In-One Visual Testing and Review Platform — Visually test your web app, component library, or static site across browsers and responsive widths. Replace time-consuming manual QA to catch UI bugs and ship with complete confidence. Get started for free.

Percy sponsor

The Summer 2019 npm CLI Roadmap — The status of the npm CLI app has been a bit up and down recently, but things appear to now be fully back on track with ‘accelerating’ progress and a roadmap for npm 7 and what it will contain. “Play nicer with Yarn” is a nice feature to see.

The npm Blog

▶  Promise-Based APIs in Node Core: Where We Are and Where We’ll Get To — Only a few areas of Node core have (experimental) promise-based APIs for now, but work is underway to improve the situation.

Joe Sepi

August 2019 Security Releases Due Anytime Now — We’re not delaying the issue this week for this, but new releases of all supported release lines of Node are due later today or tomorrow to fix some HTTP/2 DoS vulnerabilities (which have broadly affected many implementations, including in NGINX).

Last minute addition.. v12.8.1 is here — no blog posts or other releases as yet.

Node.js Foundation

💻 Jobs

Have You Thought About Being a Web Developer in Robotics? — A unique opportunity to work on a high-powered engineering web application for a computer vision system combining 3D graphics and an intuitive user experience.

Veo Robotics

Node Developers Are in Demand on Vettery — Ready for a bold career move? Make a free profile, name your salary, and connect with hiring managers from top employers today.


📚 Articles and Tutorials

Yarn Workspaces: Organize Your Project’s Codebase Like A Pro — Yarn workspaces provide a way to work better with multiple dependencies together. This article explains the benefits and using them in a monorepo configuration.

Jorge Ferreiro

Explain Like I'm 5: Microservices in Node.js — A look at the basics of microservices, by way of a Lego-themed Node-based example.

Liz Parody

A Beginner's Guide to AWS AppSync — AppSync is a serverless, managed GraphQL API service based on AWS. This tutorial covers the basics of using it from Node.

Ran Ribenzaft

Finding The Right Fit: Comparing 6 Popular Node.js Web Frameworks

NodeSource sponsor

Web APIs in Node Core: Past, Present, and Future — A look at recent efforts to bring more Web APIs directly into Node, where it makes sense to do so.

Joyee Cheung

The Basics of Scraping Web Sites with Node and Cheerio — This is really promoting the Pipedream platform, but.. I found it interesting to see. And, of course, make sure you’re not violating any ToS and are being ethical.

Dylan Sather

5 Interesting Uses of JavaScript Destructuring

Dmitri Pavlutin

🛠 Code and Tools

Nanook: A Toolkit for Test Case and Test Data Creation — A tool which reads equivalence class tables (which you can build out in an Excel spreadsheet) to create test data. Related repo.


nve 1.0: Run Things With a Specific Node.js Version — Easily execute a file, command, or REPL using a specific version of Node.


MongoDB Atlas Is a Powerful and Reliable Cloud Database. Try Now

MongoDB Atlas sponsor

SQLiterally: A Lightweight SQL Query Builder — Aimed at Postgres and MySQL users. Makes it easy to compose safe parameterized SQL queries using template literals.


Sparkly: A Simple Sparkline Generator — Sparklines (e.g. things like ▁▂▃▅▂▇) can be used to show basic, inline measurements.

Sindre Sorhus

⚡️ Quick Releases

  • pnpm 3.7 — A fast, alternative package manager.
  • nave 3.1 — Virtual environments for Node.
  • Zeus 1.4 — A GraphQL querying library.