#​570 — March 18, 2025

Read on the Web

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Node.js Weekly

Node.js Gets an Official Community Space on Discord — While there have been numerous IRC channels and Discord and Slack servers where Node developers can congregate, the Nodeiflux Discord server has been promoted to being an official onehere’s the invite link if you’re a Discord user. There are already 15k members, so it’s hopping.

Vitullo and Wunder

Node v23.10.0 (Current) Released — Node gains a new --experimental-config-file option for writing a JSON-based config file that contains options that would otherwise litter your command line flags – ideal for configuring the test runner, say.

Antoine du Hamel

Prepare Your App for AI AgentsStytch extends auth to handle permissions for AI agents—so your app can securely delegate access to agents or protect against agent-powered threats. See our Node quickstart guide.

Stytch sponsor

Node v20.19.0 (LTS) Released with require(esm) — Node v20 is in maintenance mode, which usually means no new features, but it lands a significant one here: support for require(esm) enabled by default. This means all Node v20+ releases now support loading native ES modules with require out of the box. Ideal if you have dependencies to update and you’re still on v20.

Marco Ippolito

💡 A year ago, Node contributor Joyee Cheung wrote about the technical aspects of how require(esm) support came together.


How to Get Deep Traces in Your Node Backend with OTel and Deno — The Deno project turns up the heat by demonstrating how to add OpenTelemetry to a Node app before showing how much easier it is with Deno (as long as your Node app runs well under it).

Andy Jiang

🔒 Protect Against AI Bots, Fraud, and Abuse in Real Time — WorkOS Radar protects your app with advanced device fingerprinting — stop fake signups, free tier abuse, bot attacks and brute force attempts today.

WorkOS sponsor

📄 Web Scraping with Cheerio in 2025Cheerio is a long-standing library for working with HTML and XML in Node. Usama Jamil (Apify)

📄 Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) with Node, Podman AI Lab & React Michael Dawson (Red Hat)

📄 Learn Zod So You Can Trust Your Data and Your Types Diana MacDonald

📄 Building Robust Data Synchronization Code in Node.js Ashley Davis

📄 How GitHub Engineers Learn New Codebases Brittany Ellich (GitHub)

🛠 Code & Tools

🔐 Protect.js: 'Encryption in Use' for Data in Node Apps — Designed to work with any Node framework or ORM, Protect.js provides AES-256 based ‘encryption in use’ functionality. GitHub repo.


Piscina 4.9: A Fast Worker Thread Pool Implementation — Node’s worker threads bring true multithreading to Node apps and Piscina is a pool for tracking and controlling the number of such threads.


Refractor 5.0: Virtual Syntax Highlighting using Prism — Wraps the powerful Prism syntax highlighter to output objects instead of an HTML string so you can manipulate and render it as you wish (e.g. in a VDOM or at the terminal). Lowlight, by the same author, offers the same functionality but backed by highlight.js.

Titus Wormer

OTPAuth: One Time Password (HOTP/TOTP) Library — When you log in to a site with 2FA and you’re asked for six digits from your authentication app, that’s a Time-based One-Time Password (or TOTP). This library for Node, Deno, Bun and the browser lets you work with both TOTPs and HOTPs (HMAC-based OTPs) from JavaScript.

Héctor Molinero Fernández

📰 Classifieds

🇫🇷 The Node & Conquer Conference. In person, in Paris. 4 April 2025. Come learn how to best run Node.js at scale. Sign up here.

👀 Give your eyes a break! MonoLisa is a font optimized for developers. Try now.

📢  Elsewhere in JavaScript

A quick roundup of some other interesting stories in the broader JavaScript landscape, in case you've missed them: