#233 — April 12, 2018 |
Node Weekly |
Using Async Iteration Natively in Node — How asynchronously iterating over readable streams will work in the upcoming Node 10.x. Dr. Axel Rauschmayer |
Node.js Core Gets a Bug Bounty Program — Via Tierney Cyren’s Need to Node comes news that the Node.js Security WG and Internet Bug Bounty have launched a bug bounty program for Node.js (core). HackerOne |
▶ Scaling Node Beyond the Ordinary — A 25 minute talk on scaling a Node-based web server, what kind of issues you can expect to run into and what approaches you can take to tackle them. Abhinav Rastogi |
![]() New Course: From Fundamentals to Functional JavaScript, v2 😀 — Learn the techniques you need to write professional, modern JavaScript. This course starts with the basics and takes you to mastering key functional methods like map, reduce and filter ...plus promises and ES6+ asynchronous JavaScript. Frontend Masters sponsor |
Write Your Own Promise Library from Scratch — Async/await is based on promises, so understanding this popular async primitive is a must. Valeri Karpov |
Node Can Now Do HTTP/2 Push — An update on the moves towards lifting the ‘experimental’ flag on Node’s HTTP/2 implementation. Matteo Collina and Jinwoo Lee |
V8 6.6 Landed on Node.js Core — Not a lot to see in this commit but it’s a key step nonetheless as V8 6.6 has many performance improvements, particularly in startup and ‘compile’ time. Node.js Foundation |
Attitudes to Security in the JavaScript Community — Some conclusions drawn from the 16,000 participant JavaScript Ecosystem Survey. Basically, most people think security is important but how this translates to development practices is a mixed bag. Laurie Voss |
npm Inc. Acquires Lift Security and Node Security Platform — This means some great people are joining npm to work full-time on security for the npm repository. The npm Blog |
Coming to Electron 2: In-App Purchases — A new inAppPurchase API for Apple’s Mac App Store. Zeke Sikelianos |
💻 Jobs |
Back End Skills Wanted, Learn Go (Bristol UK, Relocate) — Cross train, coding in Go + Node. Friendly team serious about tech, building in open source. Talk with us about the position you want. Fresh8 |
Node.js Developer at X-Team (Remote) — We help our developers keep learning and growing every day. Unleash your potential. Work from anywhere. Join X-Team. x-team |
Looking For Your Next Job Working With Node? — Try Underdog.io, where hundreds of the best tech companies go to meet top engineers. Companies email you directly as soon as next Monday. Underdog.io |
📘 Tutorials |
Analyzing Your Company’s Social Media Presence with IBM Watson and Node.js Jamie Munro |
Implementing SOLID and the 'Onion' Architecture in Node with TypeScript and InversifyJS Remo H. Jansen |
Simplify Your Functions Adding 'Hooks' to Your Promises Sébastien Lvl |
eBook: Efficient Project Management for Small Engineering Teams Codeship sponsor |
Build an Emergency Notification Slack Bot in 10 Minutes with MessageBird, StdLib, and Node — MessageBird is an API-based voice and SMS platform and StdLib is a serverless API platform. Standard Library |
🔧 Code and Tools |
AsyncOptics: Asynchronous Process and Package Monitor Turberville, Renshaw, Wu and Salazar |
llnode: A Node.js C++ Plugin for the LLDB Debugger — Inspect Node processes and data from LLDB. Node.js Foundation |
vuln-regex-detector: Detect Vulnerable Regexes in Your Project — Extracts regular expressions from a project and tests them for certain vulnerabilities. Jamie Davis |
A Much Faster Way to Debug Code Than with Breakpoints or Console.log — Wallaby catches errors in your tests and displays the results of expressions right in your editor as you type. Wallaby.js sponsor |
Cuery: A Composable SQL Query Builder using Template Literals — Inspired by styled-components’ approach. Gal Schlezinger |
TempDB: A Redis-Backed Key-Value Store for Temporary Items Shane Vitarana |