#243 — June 21, 2018

Read on the Web

Node Weekly

Node 10.5 (Current) Released — Significantly, there’s now experimental support for multi-threading by way of worker threads (FAQ, plus pull request with example usage). Support for crypto.scrypt() has also been added.

Node.js Foundation

Winston 3.0: A Popular Node.js Logging SolutionWinston is a very long standing project (8 years old) and has just come out of the other side of a 3 year total rewrite.

Charlie Robbins (GoDaddy)

Plan Visually with a Single Glance and Make Sure Your Projects Get Done — monday.com is a project management tool your team will enjoy using. It makes it fun and easy for everyone to collaborate, focus and get more done. It's a visual project management tool that’ll help you and your team collaborate and achieve more.

monday.com sponsor

End-to-End Testing Single Page Apps and Node APIs — Covers most of what’s involved with being able to test SPAs and APIs with Cucumber.js and Puppeteer.


Node's Security Working Group Is Now Chartered — It’s not on the working groups list just yet, but the Security Working Group is now chartered and will define and maintain security policies and procedures for the Node.js project.

Node.js Foundation

Major i18n Push for Electron Documentation — 1066 translators have been working on 25 languages for the docs. The Node.js project is to follow suit.

Vanessa Yuenn (Electron)

💻 Jobs

NodeJS Development in Beautiful Norway — We are adding to our team building low latency back-ends for awesome developer experience and scalable software. Check us out.

Snowball Digital

Apply To Hundreds of Companies That Use Node. All In 60 Seconds — Try Underdog.io, where the best NY and SF tech companies go to meet engineers. Companies email you directly as soon as next Monday.


📘 Tutorials

Getting Started with Docker Images for Node Apps with VS Code — How to containerize an existing Node app using Docker, pushing to a Docker registry, then deploy to Azure Web App for Containers from VS Code.


Build Data-Driven Applications with MongoDB Experts at MongoDB World — At MongoDB World, we'll cover a range of topics in 60+ high quality technical talks. Don't miss out. Register today.

mongodb sponsor

Setting up Windows to Build and Run Node (and Electron) Apps

Matt Behrens

Connecting Competing Microservices using RabbitMQ — How to write simple networks of competing microservices using Node and RabbitMQ.

Dave Sag

How to Make Beautiful, Simple CLI Apps with Node

Hugo Di Francesco

▶  The Whimsical Journey of a Package from the npm Registry to Your Computer — Ever wonder what happens when you npm install something?

Jeffrey Lembeck

🔧 Code and Tools

Math.js: An Extensive Math Library for Node.js and Browser — Work with complex numbers, fractions, units, matrices, etc.

Jos de Jong

Xmysql: Generate REST APIs for MySQL Databases


async-ratelimiter: A Redis-Backed Easy, Async Rate Limiter


Manifold Is the Marketplace for Independent Developer Services

Manifold sponsor

Strapi v3@alpha.12.5: A CMS API System for Node — Now includes helpers for search and filtering features.


Grabity: Get Preview Data from a Link — Uses Open Graph and Twitter Card markup on the destination page.

Emmanuel Olaojo

Ora: An Elegant Terminal Spinner — An elegant way to show things are in progress in your terminal-based apps.

Sindre Sorhus

node-typescript-koa-rest Boilerplate for REST API Apps — Brings together Node, Koa 2, TypeScript, TypeORM, and more. The README goes into some depth.

Javier Aviles

node-pg-migrate: Node.js Database Migration Management for Postgres

Salsita Software