#260 — October 18, 2018

Read on the Web

Node Weekly

LoopBack 4 Released: The Node.js API Framework — Originally built at StrongLoop but now owned by IBM, LoopBack is a framework for building REST APIs that’s particularly popular in enterprise environments. Version 4 features an all-new core written in TypeScript and to create a REST API you can just decorate classes with OpenAPI compatible metadata. More info in the announcement post.


Getting Things Sorted in V8 — A look at some of the quirks of implementing sorting algorithms to work with JavaScript and how V8 has moved to a stable algorithm that makes sorting performance more predictable.

Simon Zünd

⚛️ New Course: Complete Intro to React, v4 — Learn to build real-world applications in React. Much more than an intro, you’ll start from the ground up all the way to using the latest features in React 16+ like Context and Portals. We also launched a follow up course, Intermediate React.

Frontend Masters sponsor

npm and the Future of JavaScript — Yes, it’s a slide deck, but it’s a really good one - promise! The COO of npm Inc. shares data on npm’s popularity and growth as well as the popularity of tools based upon the npm ecosystem.

Laurie Voss (npm, Inc)

Creating a Logger in Node.js From Scratch — Learn how to create a single logger in which by calling, say, logger.info, the message would be logged to the console and saved to file.

Maciej Cieslar

💻 Jobs

Sr. Fullstack Engineer (Remote) — Sticker Mule is looking for passionate developers to join our remote team. Come help us become the Internet’s best place to shop and work.

Sticker Mule

UK Tech Jobs? Check Out hackajob — Get matched with companies like Apple, Skyscanner and KPMG based on your skills. They apply to you.


📘 Articles & Tutorials

How to Deploy A MERN Stack App on Heroku — How to deploy an existing web app built using MongoDB, Express, Node and React (also known as a ‘MERN’ stack) on Heroku.

Aman Mittal

Authenticate a Node ES6 API with JSON Web Tokens

Elizabeth Mabishi

Using MongoDB as a Realtime Database with Node.js — The (very) basics of using change streams to update a UI as soon as there is some change to your underlying data.

Sharath Vignesh

Say Goodbye to Bad Data with Protocols — Prevent data that doesn’t match your spec from ever hitting your analytics or marketing tools.

Segment sponsor

Text Yourself the NASA Picture of the Day with StdLib and Node.jsStdLib is a serverless API hosting platform. There’s a related tutorial about building a Reddit moderator bot on the same platform.

Eileen Zhong

6 Main Reasons Why Node Has Become a Standard Technology for Enterprises

Karolina Gawron

🔧 Code and Tools

Getopts: A High-Performance Node CLI Options Parser — Claims to be the fastest CLI parser for Node.

Jorge Bucaran

filter-console: Filter Out Unwanted console.log() Output

Sindre Sorhus

Schnack: A Disqus-like Commenting System for Static Sites

Gregor Aisch, Moritz Klack, and g-div

Building APIs? Accelerate the Automation of Your Regression Testing

API Fortress sponsor

Tea-School.js: Generate a PDF File using HTML and CSS from Node — It brings together PugJS and Node-Sass for templating with Puppeteer for rendering the PDF using headless Chrome.

Amir Tugendhaft

Aedes: Barebone MQTT Broker That Can Run On Any Stream Server, The Node Way

Matteo Collina

Xmysql: Generate REST APIs for MySQL Databases in One Command
